All Categories - Peter Gleick
2022年11月15日 ·
According to the UN, the world’s population of humans reached eight billion today. When America...
2021年4月5日 ·
It sounds like a cheap science fiction horror movie plot. But it wasn’t. In 2013, Italian air...
On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act ...
2020年8月15日 ·
Water is a theme that runs through all forms of popular culture, from books to myths to Hollywood...
The newly proposed House of Representative’s emergency supplemental appropriations bill was just...
On March 19th, President Trump said “Nobody knew there would be a pandemic or epidemic of this...
2020年4月21日 ·
The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic is having the unexpected and unintended effect of teaching us...
2020年3月14日 ·
A few days ago I tweeted ( “In the...
The Pacific Institute been working on water related conflicts for nearly three decades, and we...
Peter H. Gleick In March 2019, the Trump Administration announced they were considering...
For the Provocations series, in conjunction with UCI’s “Fire & Ice: The Shifting Narrative of...
2018年11月14日 ·
This essay by Peter Gleick is part of What Happens Next, the complete guide from Quartz to...
2018年9月1日 ·
By Peter Gleick (Image from Frantisek Duris) We live on a water planet. As the writer...
[Photo credit: Maya Suslin, Getty Images, Swedish fires 2018] You reap what you sow. The...
2018年2月16日 ·
By Dan Drollette Cape Town, South Africa, has been in the news a lot lately, due to its water...
Cape Town is parched. Severe drought and high water use have collided in South Africa’s second...
2017年6月15日 ·
The failure to address water problems through diplomacy will lead to new and growing security...
2017年5月4日 ·
The ascendancy of Donald Trump to the presidency, the selection of his cabinet and senior...
[An early version of this essay was originally published on my Forbes blog in 2012. It has been...
Modern drinking fountains chill and filter water, and let users fill water bottles (Photo: Peter...